Mountain Lion Hunts

Experience some of the best cougar hunting the US has to offer!

We offer both dry land and snow hunting options utilizing our versatile pack of lion hounds. In New Mexico, mountain lion permits are available over the counter and must be purchased at least two calendar days before hunting. Individual bag limit is two permits. The season runs from April 1st until March 31st of the following year. New Mexico is divided into 18 management units, and each management unit has a total harvest limit and a female harvest limit. Cougar management zones will close and hunting will cease when harvests reach 90% of the total limit, 90% of the female limit, or when the season has ended, whichever occurs first. Adult males are larger, often measuring up to eight feet in length and weighing 150–200 pounds. Adult females usually measure up to seven feet in length and average 90–110 pounds. 

When purchasing your tag you will need to:

1. Pass your NMDGF "Cougar Quiz"

2. Buy your "Habitat Stamp"

3. Buy your "Game Hunting License"

4. Buy your "Cougar License"

For more information from NMDGF and the Cougar Education Booklet: